I Hate Life


To begin you are a miracle, it’s amazing that you are reading this right now. Billions of sperm traveled blindly to find the egg of you to be created. Being created is magical in itself. That makes you magical. You are a blessing!

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You have been gifted enough to live in this magical world where you have access to water by turning a knob. Think about how magical your life is. Sure we all go through some rough patches but that is just a blip on your radar. Think deeply about the people that love you! A close friend or a parent that can’t wait to see your face or talk to you.

You live in a magical time around amazing people. This feeling of I hate life will be in your rear view mirror in no time. Read this article with an open mind. I am writing this because just like you i was in a bad place in my life. Nothing was going right. I was in a toxic relationship, I was over my head in grief and I didn’t like my job at all. As I said before this is just a blip in my life looking back and it can be the same for you.

Talk to someone about your problems

Seeking professional help can help with your I hate life mindset. A professional will help you do a deep dive into what is really bothering you. Taking a deep dove into your emotions with someone who is trained can help you get into a better mindset. Don’t forget you are special you are a miracle and don’t let that go to waste.

When I was in a depression my therapists help me me point out all the good things that I have accomplished and how many people around me loved me. How this little piece of my life was not the big picture. It was explained how on this roller coaster there will be ups and downs. We love the ups and remember those times and on these downs is our time to remember the ups and learn from what got us in the down times. In the down time we learn how to manage our emotions and thoughts. We learn how to get through the tough times to get back into the ups in our lives.

Therapists will help with your goals, dreams and ambitions. They can steer you in the direction to get in to the better times in life. They are trained to help go deep down into your soul and find the real reasons behind your I hate life mindset.

You can steer the therapist in the direction you need help in. This is why we suggest you keep a journal. Writing down your deepest thoughts will find pent up energy you didn’t know you had. There are different reason why you have a down mindset.

Relationship PTSD

5 reasons to have a I hate life mindset

  • Your long term relationship has ended
  • Lost your job
  • Lost a family member or friend
  • You’ve been rejected consistently
  • Things aren’t going your way
  • Don’t like your physical appearance
  • Stress


You have to change your focus

In the law of attraction what you think about is what you attract. If you think about the bad things that can happen the mind will attract that energy towards you. Maybe change what you are thinking about. Maybe change I hate life mindset into life is a miracle, or even life isn’t that bad. Changing your outlook will start your energy change. This will attract more of good vibes then bad. Changing your mindset isn’t going to happen overnight you need to create a system to het into the groove of change.

Creating goals

To set up goals means you are sending your focus outward. You are planning for what the future holds for you. Setting up goals also give you a list of daily tasks you need to complete so you can achieve what you want. This creates momentum and will start attracting better thoughts in to your head. Seems a little rough now but let me run through an example.

What is the main reason why you aren't in therapy

The image it creates

I don't need it

I can't afford it

I don't believe in it

A goal I set was to be healthier. This has a few daily activities i must achieve to get to my end result. Health to me meant that my mind and body were both working together to be in a healthier state. It wasn’t just a weight loss plan. So with my goal of being healthier I had to do a few tasks a day to make sure i would stay on my path.

  1. I had to start eating healthier. I had to balance my diet and get rid of most of the junk food in my house. This also means no more fast food. This part of the plan was crucial to the success because in it itself I had to start planning out my meals and how I was going to prepare them . It can be a form of distraction but also its eye opening knowing what you are putting into your body
  2. I had to start an exercise plan. Going to the gym or walking is a way of releasing stress and having your mind get into a better place. If you get your body in motion and have a focus on doing an exercise your mind will release chemicals that will bring you in to a happy state. Go figure if you are exercising its hard to say to yourself I Hate life
  3. Feeding my brain information that i can use to increase my health. This means reading self help books. I know it sounds corny the whole self help thing but think about it this way. What you put into your brain in what you get out of it. If you feed it good information the good information will also come out of it. Its also called garbage in garbage out. Why not let you influence what you put in to your mind. Cut news and social media nonsense off and focus on the miracle you are. Do something about it.
  4. Make a checklist of what you need to accomplish and made sure i checked the box each day. I am creating a habit. If I don’t check that box that day it will live with me until its checked. Your habit will make sure you check that box everyday.

Try setting a goal like this and doing it for 30 straight days. Give yourself a reward for taking care of this goal at the end. Add this to speaking to a professional about your mental health and you can start the change you need.

I hate life is a short blip on the screen. The quicker you can change your mindset the quicker you can start moving up on the roller coaster of life. Think of it as eating a crappy apple pie, you won’t have a craving for apple pie for the next few weeks, the next time you smell an apple pie baking trust me you will what that pie again. Getting through the rough part of the down part of your roller coaster is the perfect time to learn from your mistakes and make changes.

The next step to getting back into a positive attitude

I recommend talking to a professional therapist. The reason why you should seek some sort of counseling is so they can provide a framework for helping you through this tough time. Its also a good idea to air out your feelings. If I hate life is what you feel deep down inside its time to let it out. There isn’t any judgment but you can get down to the bottom of what is troubling you. If you start to share your feelings and emotions you will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Remember the miracle that you are, is in a magical world where you can get back up and be happy again.

This will also help you in the future to find the triggers that got you in the i hate life position in the first place. If you can spot your triggers before they happen this can help you not sink in the emotional pit you feel you are in. Identifying crisis before it happens will make the ups and downs a little less devastating. Catching a trigger is a huge step to loving life again

Identifying the I hate life triggers

Through the help of a professional therapist you will identify your triggers that bring you into the slump you are in. Knowing what will trigger this part of life will help you identify them quickly and you can change the course you are going in. Think of your life as sailing a ship. The wind will blow in many different ways on your journey, it is your job to correct the course the ship is going on to make sure you don’t hit anything and get to the right place. If you just put up your sails but don’t make any steering changes who knows where you would end up. You set a course to the Bahamas but you might end up in England. You have to do the same thing in your life. Set up goals and start moving to the course that you determine.