
Picture waking up in the morning, having your coffee getting ready for the day ahead. All is going great so far. You know where your keys are, your outfit is perfectly put together. Timing is perfect. You leave your house right on time and the commute is smooth sailing. You get to work do great at your job have a great lunch finish up your day strong. The commute home is a breeze you enjoy some family time and nothing has been triggered. Does this sound like something you want? Yes this can happen. Spiraling is a mind set and we are here to help you no spiral out of control.

IF you ever wondered why you spiral and how to overcome this issue we have all the information you need. Picture entering a stressful situation and you can handle the stress without everything else getting out of control. You learn how to brush off problems and see the triggers you may have before it happens.

Finding your inner peace is what we are all after. In this article we have links to therapists and other offers which can help find your inner peace without spiraling out of control.

The definition of spiraling is a continuous and dramatic increase. Is this the case with you? It seems like when your day or week starts of on a bad note it starts getting out of control and everything that can go bad does. When it gets bad then get worse and worse. You are not the only one who experiences spiraling. We have all been there.

How does spiraling happen?

Follow along with this experience I had. I worked in an office in Midtown Manhattan and had to take the subway to work. It was a cold Monday morning and of course the train was delayed. So I had to call into work to let them know I was going to be late. Halfway through my commute I spilled coffee on my tie and mentally thought shit I hate Mondays, this is going to be a sucky day.

I put myself in a negative mind frame. This made my brain waves start attracting the bad vibes from my surroundings. So now my brain will only pick up the bad vibes around me. Of course I had a ton of emails I was reading with my bad attitude so this would add to how crappy this day was so far. Then we had a wasteful meeting where I felt like I was getting blamed for everything and that is where I started spiraling out of control. Everything seemed to go bad, I mean everything. Lunch was cold, weather was crappy, office was too hot. I was irritated to the max and it was only 1pm. This is an example of how spiraling starts.

Was everything around me really bad?

No, it was the mindset I had from the beginning of my day. What can set up your morning can either make or break your day. If you put good stuff into your mind and body only good stuff will come out. Your body only spits out what you put in. It is called garbage in, garbage out. Setting up your influences in advance can help you get through all the crap you have to deal with. It is time to take control of your path and your influences now. There is no procrastinating with this.

What is outside influence.

Most people wake up and turn on the tv to watch the news or check social media. 90% of us do this. This needs to stop right now. Why? These outlets aren’t always inspirational. Most of the are designed to put you in a bad mood from the start. Drama creates interest and you can get caught up in nonsense that will not help you out of your spiral. If you read a story on your social media that goes against your views you will automatically be in a defensive state. Your mind will then attract you to more input of what you are thinking about. If you are already pissed that it’s Monday and now you are defensive there is no way any good influences will penetrate your brain. It is the way your mind works. You are what you think.

Think this is nonsense?

Ever think about a car that you like and next thing you know you spot that car everywhere. Coincidence? No its your mind attracting things you think about. It puts a filter on and once the criteria is met, BAM you see it. It works the same way for influences. If you start your day in a great mood the whole day turns out to be great. Why would you start your day in a bad mindset?

Relationship PTSD

How to build a positive influence and a better mind to avoid spiraling.

Here are some steps to try:

  1. The first thing to stop my spiraling was I found a therapist. I have a journal of events that happened during the week and I talk to my therapist about everything that went on and how I handled it. What influenced my decisions and how I need to learn from the past events. Having a professional help guide you is an amazing tool we have access to. You can do it from your own house on a phone or webcam. It is the best tool to help stop and prevent spiraling from happening. Take action do this now!
  2. Avoid social media or any media before you go to be and when you wake up in the morning. Do something else instead. I listen to an audible book when i get in the shower and give it a full chapter. Get an audible account and get books that can really help your life. There are also brain games to use in the morning where it can be sudoku or word jumbles to get your brain going in the morning. This will keep you entertained while you avoid the junk on social media.
  3. Go to bed with a positive outlook. Sunday night most people dread Monday mornings. What if you change that? What if you find something to look forward to the next week and go to bed happy. Think there is anyway for anything to start spiraling?
  4. Set up a bunch of little goals to create a perfect wake up routine. This is as simple as a daily checklist of accomplishments to start your day off right. My morning routine is wake up, make my bed, use the bathroom, brush my teeth, start the coffee, read my morning affirmation. Seems easy, plus I have 4 things accomplished in the first 15 minutes of waking up. I am attacking my goals and celebrating my minor victories. This makes my brain attract positive vibes and there isn’t an outside influence affecting me at all. Once I have my first contact with the outside world I’m in a positive mental attitude and you can not attack that.
  5. Don’t take anything personally. When it comes to other people everyone is dealing with their own problems. So when someone tries to attack your attitude brush it off. Realize they are attacking your mental attitude to try to get you to their level. Opposites do not attract in the socializing world. One influence has to be stronger. That stronger person is you. Brush it off and move on. Don’t let anyone get to you positive attitude. We are stopping you from spiraling take no prisoners.
  6. Take care of what bad thoughts you have in your mind. You have to find what triggers you to start spiraling. In most cases it’s a personal matter that you keep brushing off. Go an attack that matter right away. If you are in some sort of debt and that is on your mind create a budget and start to attack that problem. Is it a relationship issue? Have that deep conversation you were avoiding to get to the bottom of the issue. You control your mind and having things sit will overpower what you can control.
  7. Find your triggers. This means find out what will start your spiraling. This will take some deep thought and self reflection. Lean into this process and get to know all about you. Is it past experiences think about the actions you took and what you would change. Once you know your triggers you know how to avoid making the wrong decisions again and getting through the tougher times.

Why is having a therapist/ counselor the 1st step to help with spiraling?

Having a game plan in place will help with 2 things. 1) you can identify your triggers and then you can take the steps to make the right decision when your trigger pops up. 2) you can discuss with a professional how you reacted to you to those triggers. Before you start in a spiral something has to set it off. Think of it like a fuse. lighting the fuse causes a train reaction. To keep yourself in a positive mind frame and acknowledge triggers from your environment this can prevent the whole process. Speaking with a therapist will help you understand your triggers and do a deep dive into your emotions to find the origin.

Having a professional help get your mind in the right place is the biggest part of our health. Your brain controls everything. So having good mental health controls everything, your health, your mood, your motivation, your overall health. Seeing a therapist should be part of your health plan. We all get yearly check ups for your physical health you should be getting your mental health checked at least biweekly.

Preventing spiraling is not going to happen overnight. You need to really work at it. Don’t worry though this is just a blip of your life and everything is going to turn out better than where you were. Make a journal and keep your ideas and thoughts written down. You will look back and see with the help we provided and the help from a therapist your life will stop spiraling out of control.

Education is the key to having a better life. Just because you are finished with formal education like schooling doesn’t mean you should stop learning. If you read 10 pages a day of a coaching book on any topic to help with your mental health you will read a 300 page book a month. There are many factors that go into spiraling and other mental health problems. Reading about how to identify the triggers and resolve the problems before they blow up is a huge advantage in this day and age. I not only read books but I listen to them as well. Want to give listening to a book a try. Check out the banner below you can use this free trial offer i have. PIck a book to help you and listen to it. Its worth the free trial right?


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